I really want a baby😭😭


So I'm really new too this app.. basically I downloaded it because I am desperate for a baby.

I am 19years old, I fell pregnant last November, had so many mixed emotions as I was only 18 at the time and I had just started living my life.

As time went on I started getting so exited But unfortunately on the 25th of April this year, I was out doing my day too day things in the morning time, until I got home, started getting little minor pains in my tummy, like cramp but not that bad, thought nothing if it and went too lie down in bed, until maybe 10minutes later they got so much more painful I managed too crawl to the toilet as I thought maybe it was trapped wind of maybe I needed the toilet.. suddenly the whole room started spinning and i nearly collapsed off the toilet seat I had too grab onto the wall and my sink, my breathing slowed right down and my hearing went all funny! The sweat was dripping off my whole boy I tried not too panic!! I managed too shout on my mum she knew straight away something was wrong so she ran up too get me and she panicked and ran too phone the hospital which they said I was too get in as soon as possible. I could hear my mum on the phone too my auntie saying she was scared because she could see how unwell I was and she thought I was in labour so that made me panic aswell!!

So got too the hospital and the doctors and nurses came too me straight away too try find a heartbreak which the couldn't find, so I got rushed too a room where I could get scanned and straight away i seen my boys heart beat slowing right down I was so worried I just kept looking around too see if anyone else looked worried as I didn't know what too think! Also in the scan there was a big shadow Which too me looked like a big bubble, the doctor then started too get worried and he told me i had 10seconds too make the biggest decision of my life and that it was life or death as me and my baby only had 20% chance of living. I had too choose either take a pill and basically wait in a little room until i miscarried or go for an emergency C-section, I chose to c-section! I didn't want too give up my boy! I was willing too risk my life too save my boys! About half an hour later I was out of surgery and my boys heart beat went shooting back up which was a relief!!

For the first 3days I was so unwell and out of it too remember anything! Only think I needed too know was my baby was ok it was such a critical time as I was only 24 weeks when this happened for very early!?

The first week my wee guy was doing so so well until he caught an infection and had too get a lung drain in and many more things and sadly on the 10th of may my baby boy passed away! I've been so heartbroken ever since this all happened but I feel like I want a second chance and I really want another baby. Not too replace my son because I will never forget him but I feel it will help! Any advice??

Here is some pictures of my son Carson Michael Weir, born at 24weeks+3days on the 25/04/17 weighing 1lbs 13oz.. sadly passed on 10/05/17 my little angel baby👼🏼💔