Fixing a UTI quickly on a budget/traveling?

I've just gotten over another UTI as of today. That would be my second one in just 2 months. The first one was severe and had gotten to my kidneys and was extremely painful, was stuck in bed and on antibiotics for 3 days. 
Due to moving to a new city, not having a job yet, and the lack of money to spend on real medicine, plus not being an australian resident and not having the best health insurance because again, money is tight. The only thing I could do to take care of the UTI was drink about 2 gallons of water a day. It took about 2 weeks of drinking that much water and constantly going to the bathroom every day to finally be rid of the pain. 
I just want to know, is there a better/faster/ more efficient way of handling this? I have no money to spend $15-$30 on real cranberry juice or the cranberry pills. I don't have the insurance to go the hospital to get the antibiotics. All I can do is drink the water if I ever get the infection again. 
Please do any of you girls out there know of a better way to go about curing a UTI if you were/are in my situation?