Help! What should I do about this guy?

I really need some honest opinions! I've recently been seeing a guy, and we kinda got into a situationship very quickly. Basically, with only knowing him a short amount of time we really hit it off and I ended up spending a long weekend staying at his, and I guess after that he kinda freaked out and said he wasn't sure what he wanted with me. So we fell out for a couple days, then asked to see me again to "talk". So I really liked him and decided to meet him and we had the same good connection that we did when we first met and I ended up staying over the night, but things aren't quite the same. He isn't as affectionate as he was, but sometimes he will come over and cuddle and kiss me, and when it comes to texting, he's much more blunt than before and will often leave me on read. So it does seem like hes just in it for the sex but then I get confused because he'll take me out and pay for days out like going to the aquarium. When I asked him what we were he said he wanted to take things slow, but the vibes I get from him are confusing and I'm not sure if he's really into me... I just guess I need some advice on whether I'm just being paranoid