I don't want to be that mom 😔

So I feel just so horrible, like I'm the worst mother ever lately. My daughter is 19 months old and it just seems like lately everything I say to her ends up with a "no" or a tantrum. Diaper changes have been a nightmare and she is just climbing on everything and does it even more when I tell her not to. I have been losing my patience lately and began yelling at her. Yesterday I felt so horrible. We were having a really rough diaper change and I just screamed out of frustration. Not at her but just screamed. I also feel like lately all I'm doing is manhandling my girl. It's like a wrestling match almost every diaper change and I'll admit that I have been a little rougher with her than I should be just to get the diaper on. I squeezed her hand a little the other day because she was refusing to come back in the gated living room with me. I love her to death and this really bothers me. I don't want to be that mom but lately my patience is so thin I just feel horrible. I know she is a baby and is learning but in those moments I can just feel my temper rising and it scares me. I always cry and apologize to her after. I just feel absolutely horrible 😭