I need help (please read and give me advice)


My partner has an almost 3 year old daughter, she lives with her mother which is a 6hour drive from where we live.. his daughter is staying with us at the moment until December (I don't agree with her staying with us that long as I think she needs to be in day care, learning and interacting with other children). I don't have any kids myself and I'm finding it EXTREMELY hard trying to adapt to her while she's here. She throws the most horrible tantrums, does not listen to me (only her father), makes rude faces at me if I tell her off. Almost like she's playing a game (you're not my real mum) kind of shit. It makes my blood boil and I get so emotional because I love my SO and I don't want to make him feel like he has to choose. I'm sick of feeling like shit in my own home, almost like I don't want to be here anymore. It's depressing me, I have tried to talk to my SO about it but it almost seems like he doesn't want a bar of it because he loves his daughter, which I understand to a certain degree but since I have no children my relationship comes first in this instance. Please help! What do I do?!