Mad at myself, mad at my health

It's late, and I'm up because my head is pounding and my wisdom teeth are throbbing. I guess I just to vent because I have no friends and I don't want to worry my fiancé anymore than I already have. My health is complete garbage, my liver is bad and I don't even drink. This past month my back has been in complete pain and I'm almost positive it's my kidneys. Because of these things I joined the gym and started eating healthier, the first three weeks I was doing great, didn't loose any weight but overall I could walk up the stairs better without loosing my breath and I felt motivated. Then this week came and I feel like I'm just overwhelmed with life. My brain feels like it's in over drive and I'm almost positive it's my depression. Oh yeah that's another thing I hate my body for, Depression. I haven't been to the gym at all this week and I've been eating more junk food I feel like complete crap, i wish I was normal. I wish I was healthy enough to start a family and actually being somebody in life. Feels like I'm on a treadmill, running and running but getting no where 😏😞