Stop Hating! To each their own Kink!

So a couple of my close gfs and I are all about BDSM&Kink.; All of them call their man Daddy. Fine. Whatever floats your boats darlings. I call my man "Sir" or Mr. Keeton. Because he likes it and so do I. But then one of them asks me "how can you call him Mr. Keeton? It makes Him sound like an old ass pedifile teacher.!" Um. Excuse me? "Why don't you just call him Daddy?" Mind you ladies, even though I think calling someone daddy is not at all sexy or a turn on in the least bit, I've NEVER ONCE SAID ANYTHING TO HER ABOUT IT. Because obviously she likes it, and so does he. I said to her "I happen to be really, really close with my father. And I'm sorry if he's the only man I've ever called daddy. (not anymore obviously) I don't like to think of my dad while my man is eatin the Booty from behind and then breaking me off. So "Sir" or Mr. Keeton works just fine for us." I kind of felt bad for being so snappy about it, and maybe I could have been nicer about my word choice. But then she proceeded to say "Ew. Okay bitch. I don't think of my 60 year old father just because I'm calling him Daddy? You don't have to bash just because you don't like it."

Okay. Now at this point I almost snapped her little neck. I WAS NOT HATING. I told her she started the hate with her as almost rude comment. about what I choose to call my bf. Well long story short we got up and left. Now she's texting me saying I really hurt her feelings yadda yadda yadda.

Do I apologize? Did I do anything wrong?