Fwb to boyfriend

Elayna • Love to live and laugh

I knew this guy all throughout high school. We were just platonic friends. He went on to date some girl that ruined his life. I dated this one guy for two years all the while he was still my friend. We just got each other. Always helped each other. He realized he liked me and we stopped talking for a little. I dumped my old boyfriend and we decided to be friends with benefits. He caught feeling but never told me. I fell for him too. But he ran away again. I moved on again or tried to. But then that relationship fell apart. We then reconected he admitted how he felt for real and we've been talking ever since. This time it feels really different. I don't entirely trust he's not gunna run again but he promised he won't. We've been talking a lot. He's been really open. He's showed me poems about his feelings. He was sincere and appolihized for how things went in the past. It's funny. We were best friends that fell for each other and got lost along the way but I think I'm seeing a new light here. Yeah it's a little scary but I don't see anything bad coming out of this. I've wanted this for the past 3 years and it's so surreal