Baby pic and update!

Sarah • Mom to 3 living babies and 2 angels 👼👼 currently expecting a pot of gold 🌈 🤞
13 weeks today! Finally out of the first trimester! Starting to feel better. I did get flu a few weeks ago so that sucked. I'm over my morning Sickness!!!! Yay!!!! 
I had bloodwork done tues so within the next two weeks I'll find out what this baby is. 
Baby was very active!!!! Moving all over the place. We had trouble just getting this pic! The ultrasound tech and I were poking my belly to get the baby to flip and the baby would and take an arm and swat us away!!!!! I'm in trouble already! I didn't realize how responsive they are!!!! Heart rate 160's. 
Very happy! I do have a lot of stretching and pulling in my hips and lower abdomen. Boobs are up a size and I'm wearing a nursing bra! Here's a bump pic!!! I had to put an elastic on my jeans today cause I couldn't button my pants!!! Lol too tight.