Pregnant with 2nd child and my husband just lost his job

Ok imma try and make this short. So my husband told me today that he lost his job, I'm 9 weeks pregnant and also have a 3 years old. Ok my husband complains about every job he gets so I never feel secure because I know he's gonna quit or get fired and today he got fired. So which means we have to depend on just my income from my job which is stressful. I have to pay all the bills including car note plus get the things my toddler need as well as save for our baby on the way. I try to be understanding but I'm to the point like why in the hell should I be understanding when its a problem with every job he gets. I don't like my job but damn if it pay the bills imma stick with it. So my mind is telling me to leave him and go stay with my mom and let his ass stress out and teach him a lesson so that the next job he gets he holds on to because I refuse to keep going through this with him with not just one child but two. So would I be wrong if I leave because he need consequences for taking all these jobs for granted and thinking this behavior is normal when you have a family to take care of and a growing family at that. No negative replys just need advice .