Christmas ideas (early I know)


so around the time my little guy will be here he should be around 3 months. the way we do Christmas at my family's house is we have Christmas on Christmas <a href="">eve</a> Santa comes in and give all the kids their Santa presents so I have to get something for him. the problem is I have no idea what he has everything and he will be getting more then. any ideas??

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Maybe include a keepsake ornament for baby's first Christmas?


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Yea I would just pick the baby up something small like a sweet toy or baby book. I'll probably get my baby a few small things like that even though she'll be completely unaware just so my 3 and 5 year old don't question why Santa didn't bring baby sister anything. A baby toy and book can be purchased at tjmaxx for less than $15 total and it's easy 🤷🏻‍♀️


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You can always tell the other kids that your son is too little to receive Xmas presents. Our family does the same thing as well and I don't plan on getting anything for Santa to give to the twins on Xmas eve. Which will probably upset the older adults more then anything but idc. What's the point when they are that little anyway?


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Teethers, cloth books, bath toys, a blanket.


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We're doing xmas Jammie's, books, maybe a puzzle (for when bigger).. nothing too flashy this time around.


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A teether or little stuffed animal would probably suffice. Tell them Santa's saving his bigger ideas for when he can enjoy the toys more.


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I would just get the baby whatever you need at the time... diapers, trash bags for the diaper genie, more baby detergent, whatever. Your other kids can't remember what Santa brought them at that age, so you hold the power... tell them that's what Santa brings babies. You can throw a couple cute outfits or rattles in there to make it seem more realistic, but in general I'd personally stick to mostly the practical.


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the problem I have is the other kids if they get something and my son doesn't get anything they will be suspicious lol


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My daughter was almost 7 mos at Christmas and I got her nothing. 😂 she won't remember. Well I bought her sippy cups and a foam play mat.