What do you think about my situation


So for the past 4 months I've been having late periods yes I've been stressed but I'm always stressed Ben since I was little and I know it can effect your period. Anyways April 22-24 I had my last heavy period. After that didn't have a period I tested got blood work even an ultrasound fat negative on all. Then on July 1st I had pink bleeding then went into a little bit darker red but the flow was so light I didn't even bother to put a tampon in because I did before and it was dry with little spots on it. Then a few weeks ago like beginning I was supposed to get my period and nothing has sex with my boyfriend and after sex it was brown discharge but it didn't stink but it lasted for a few days and after that it lasted for four days. Today I woke up dizzy and nauseous and felt like that all day and I tested last week and it was negative. I even contacted my dr and he doesn't know what to tell me besides go to the lady dr and I'm too busy working to go and do that.

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