SO not supportive during pregnancy

Is anyone else's husband/boyfriend not supportive at all during your pregnancy? I'm 18 weeks & I feel like I'm doing this alone. The only thing he does is come to appointments and that's only because I make him. He doesn't ever hug me when I'm sobbing because of hormones, he doesn't tell me it'll all work out, he doesn't do anything but tell me how lazy I am & how he's only with me because I'm pregnant and it hurts so bad knowing that. I come from a very broken home so the thought of having my son in a broken home as well terrifies me and I don't know what to do. 😞 I have been extremely nauseous this whole pregnancy pretty much preventing me from working, we live at his mothers and there is no room for me at my moms not to mention he just quit his job "because". I feel so scared and alone right now and could use some encouragement.