Negative test


Hi ladies, period was due Friday, negative boots test this morning, frustrated & confused! I'm now 4 days late but I'm NEVER late, consistently 28-29 days. We have been ttc since miscarried in August 2016. I have textbook period symptoms every month. This month, no pain except mildlower back and mild headache. Usually have massive swollen legs, sore boobs, mood swings but none of that this month. I'm wondering if this boots test is not sensitive enough for me?? Last year got negative after 1 day then positive 7 days after missed period. Do you guys think I should wait a few days and 're test or am I kidding myself? Have recently started a new job so probably not the best timing but after a year of disappointment I desperately want to see that BFP!!! Urrrrgggg xx