My husband and I started trying for our second at the beginning of this year

Robia • Robia, first of her name, rightful heir to the active wear throne, Queen of Davenport and first of men, protector of matte lips and curly hair, Mother of Healthy Skin, The Khalessi of Awkward Situation, the risk taker, the Breaker of Ceramic Mugs.
My husband and I started trying for our second at the beginning of this year. It took us a while to have our first so I figured that it would take a while to have this babe. So many things with my body changed after my daughter including my period. It was super heavy for 4 years and then became crazy light. Once we started trying I felt that things were off with my body. I saw my OB who then gave me a referral to a fertility specialist. It would be over a month before we could get in so we decided to still give it our all for a baby. This month I never got a positive opk and I knew that I was out and having an anovulatory cycle. Then around 7dpo I had some brown CM. Nothing like my first. With my first I thought my period was coming and I cramped like I had upset stomach. Then two more days of light pink barely there spotting. Other than that I felt like nothing was happening and no other symptoms. I decided to test today just to see what would happen and I was shocked to see it positive! My fertility appointment is tomorrow! I guess I will be canceling that! Haha! I am so thrilled to be adding to my family!