Pregnancy and deployments!

Mayra • Married. Mommy of one and one on the way!

Hi ladies! My name is Mayra, I'm a SAHM I also work from home. My husband is a reservist and is being activated for the second time long term (this time only 7 months). The first time he was activated he was gone 15 months. He was overseas but I was lucky enough to find out about Mac flights and was able to fly two times to see him. It was so hard while he was away as I had no children at the time so being home alone was truly the hardest thing at the time. Now my son is 17 months old and it is very different. I am so busy I don't think I will notice much that he is not around 🤞🏽🤞🏽. I would love some advice for ladies that have tried to conceive before deployments and those who had been pregnant while their so have been gone. I'm on cd5 (first time in 26 months) so I am starting my bbt and OTS all over again and hoping we can get a BFP before he leaves. He is going to be in the states this time so I can visit him but it will be very short trips so if I can't get a + before he leaves I would like to try to visit while I'm ovulating to better our chances!

Thanks ladies!