Anyone else go through this?!


I am 14 weeks exactly, as of yesterday. So yesterday was a completely normal day, my husband and I were our car shopping when suddenly I felt a gush...went to the bathroom to see red blood everywhere. I run out and get my husband, we rush to the ER, wait, get into a room, they do an exam, my cervix is closed, and now the blood has lessened and is turning brown. They take me to ultrasound and I can see the babies heartbeat so that took a little stress off the situation. The results come back and everything looks great. The baby looks good, heartbeat of 157, baby was very active, my bloodwork came back good, cervix is closed. So the ER dr just says that everything looks good and to now take it easy as I'm considered high risk since they have no idea where the blood came from or what caused it. Leaving the ER I had some brown blood only when I wiped. Has anyone else experienced something like this? I am trying to be optimistic but last night was terrifying.