5 days late, faint line on tests, negative digitals?

Melissa • I`m a newlywed who just got married August 23, 2014. My hubby and I have officially been together for 4 years and are trying for our rainbow baby. We lost our first at 8 weeks in December. <3
I'm 5 days late for AF. I'm never ever late. I'm having pregnancy symptoms like cramping, slight nausea, sore breasts. I've gotten 3 faint positive lines on my first responses and all negative clear blue diditals. What is happening? I'm freaking out. I've been reading things online from "this is normal and some people don't get a positive till their 6 weeks" to "this could be a chemical pregnancy or etopic." If the tests at home are unclear, the Dr's tests will be too...anyone have any advice? I know my other option is a blood test but I read that can sometimes be wrong too.