Calling all 3rd mums



So this is my third baby (boy) I have a 4yr and 6yr old. Missed miscarriage in February. I'm seein al over <a href="">pregnancy apps</a> mum feeling movements frequently by now. I mean on a few occasion I have felt the odd movement but nothing like other mums. Is anyone else the same. I can't help but worry! Please help 😫

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Posted at
hard to answer when we do not know your gestation


Ca • Aug 28, 2017
you may not feel baby regularly for while yet could also have an anterior placenta which makes it difficult to feel baby for quite awhile....


Alexandra • Aug 28, 2017
Sorry I forgot to put that I'm 17weeks 3 days x


Posted at
I feel movements sometimes and I'm 14 wks 4 days. Mostly at night for a little and that's it. I have a Doppler where I find the baby's heartbeat and that puts me at ease. With my last 2 I felt them more later on. I have a 9yr old daughter and a 7yr old son. I remember starting to feel them about 4-5 months in. But I was skinnier back then lol. Now I'm more thicker so I have more fat for the baby to hide lol. Good lunch hun!!


Alexandra • Aug 28, 2017
Thank you very much x


Posted at
Sorry everyone I forgot to put how far along I am. I am 17weeks 3 days! Thank you all for your comments xxx


Posted at
this is my third i just started feeling light kicks yesterday and im 18weeks 6days


Posted at
This is my third pregnancy. I have a 6 year old and 2 year old. I am 17 weeks and just started feeling 'flicks' 2 days ago. They say the more you have the earlier you notice things. But each pregnancy is different. How far along are you?


Posted at
How far along are you? Also you could have an anterior placenta, which would make it harder for you to feel movement, I didn't find out I had an anterior placenta until my 20 week scan