SO INSECURE. I hate my boobs 😭

I have really small boobs they're barely A cups! No matter what they stopped growing I hate wearing bikinis.

Even if I used push up bras, they do not help at all because I don't have anything for them to push or accentuate either.

I'm always so insecure and I'd constantly remind guys that I have really small boobs so they won't expect anything. I stopped making out with my current bf a couple times when he started to reach for my boobs because they're not something I'm proud of. I feel like I'll disappoint him.

My bf agrees that I'm small but he always says they're "perfect" but I can't help but think he's lying and only said that to make me feel better! I hate them so much in fact him saying this makes me more insecure because his ex had nice boobs 😔

I would cover them most of the time and he would just tell me to show it to him but I'm sooo shy. I'd rather have sex with my clothes on because of this.

How do I get over this? I don't think I can love myself because of this. Is it possible to ever embrace my breast size?

I thought of breast augmentation but I'm so scared of the side effects so I don't think that's an option – at least for now.