Doctors?!/Hospitals??/midwives??/birthing centers ??

Amber • Wife💏Vegan🐮Entrepreneur💸Rainbow Baby🌈 Due 1/4/19🙏

I have no idea what my options are and this is my first pregnancy, I am 7 weeks. Most people I know just have their babies in hospitals, but a friend of mine just had her baby at a birthing center.

Does anyone here have experiences to share or opinions on what is better?

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Hospital with my ob on call for delivery, ended with complications so glad I was at a medical facility


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this is just my opinion, but if the pregnancy is a complication free one I like birthing centers better. I had my son in a hospital and did not have a good birth experience (I know every hospital is different) but I like a more natural approach 😊


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I have chronic health problems so we all feel more comfortable with me delivering at a hospital.


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my first 2 were in a hospital with a dr. my 3rd was with a midwife at a birthcenter. I had a much better birth at the birthcenter. I found the midwives much more caring and I was much more relaxed too.


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If you're low risk, home birth may also be an option!