My Soap Opera Life confessions of the real Erica Cane!!!

Alex • ❤ makes everything better

I don't know if you believe in God coincidence or karma or all three and I really don't care but I do know whatever you believe there is something that says if you screw with someone somewhere down the line bad things will eventually happen to you. Anyway when I was 14 I met this guy who was way too old for me(23) so nothing happened he would flirt when I saw him around but nothing ever came of it until I was 18. I began to really like him and we hung out all the time I found out he had a live in gf so of course I heard him out and left because I don't want to be that girl. over the years we just always found a way back to each other randomly being in the same place at the same time I didn't mention at this point his live in gf and him were over and she'd moved out, after months of exclusively dating he breaks the news that he has a new baby a few months old I'm hurt I'm enraged I'm jealous I'm feeling EVERYTHING but I realize I wasn't around so I can't be majorly upset I smile and say congrats a few months later after we have sex I tell him I'm def ovulating so be nuts plan b and the plan is to take it but coincidentally my bff tells my she and her bf slipped up on spring break and I say here take my plan b I'll be ok you're in college still you need this more than I do this guy and I have been having unprotected sex for the last 6 years nothing Ever happened. 5 weeks later my period is late and now we have twins. which by the way are 5 years old we broke up and got back together his 6 year old and my twins are really close so here's where it gets crazy he and I have been trying to have another baby for 3 years with no luck ive been to gyns taken test and clomid and nothing they want to test him he may be the problem they say I want to say no he's not the problem He just had a baby last year 😂 I don't get why I can't get pregnant Again is it karma something I did or is this a warning to Get out before end up a single mom with 5 kids I joke but the situation isn't really that funny sometimes it's depressing and confusing and I had to get it off my chest we have a 17 year history and two beautiful children I can't imagine life without him I can't imagine him not being the father of my next child(ren)💔 but for some reason a new baby isn't in our future