Idk what my problem is.

Maybe like the past week I've just been feeling different with my boyfriend. Like idk how to explain it, I guess like getting very irritated with him or something. I think maybe this is the problem but idk? It probably started last week, I was telling him I've been wanting to have sex for a couples days(he works 3rd 12hr shifts so he's gone after 6, doesn't get up to bed until 8:30 stays up for a little bit to spend time with our son then goes to bed) and he kept telling me we would, and we haven't. I was trying for the 2 days that he was off work and he didn't want to. I'm almost 10 weeks pp and we waited 6 weeks and I had my period for a week so we haven't had sex in a while and haven't much because of that. Anyways after those 2 days i stopped because obviously it wasn't going to happen, and still hasn't. Since, he's been working so I haven't seen him much but just Like when I wake up I'm already in a bad mood and irritated with him! Like wth I haven't even been around him! And today I was instantly mad when I seen he was sleeping on the couch when he got home and didn't come up to bed with us, which he always does. I felt irritated for a while then I was fine. Now he left hours ago to go hang out with friends and I'm pissed off. I usually don't care when he hangs out, but idk I'm just so mad about it now. And he does this all the time but he never tells me where he's going, so like he did tonight he just left. He just thinks it doesn't matter because I usually always know where hes at, and I do. But still like why can't you just tell me before you leave. So now I feel like when he gets home I'm just going to be in a bitchy mood with him. And he might actually try to have sex, and I want to but I also really don't. I don't because it's like i just tried for days and you wouldn't, when we hardly have sex as it is, I'm starting to notice he pretty much only has sex with me when hes been drinking, and idk I'm just so freaking irritated with him! I don't know what my problem is, I'm never really like this with him.

Now he's home, he hasn't texted me the whole time he's been gone. He hasn't even said anything to me when he got here. He just walked in let the dogs out and now just staying outside or leaving again idk. Now I'm in an even worse mood.