Why did he play my heartstrings like that?!?!


So I've been talking to this guy for over two months (and may I add that he was the one who initiated conversation) and we've had so many fun conversations, sweet conversations and a few sexy conversations. I really like him, he's a great guy and he makes me feel good about myself (which is extremely difficult). But tonight he hit me with the "i rly like you don't get that wrong but I'm not sure if I see myself in a relationship with you"... I hate to be this way but I'm actually pretty torn. I know that he's just a stupid high school boy but it pisses me off that he really made me feel like he cared about me and then was like "never mind" all of the sudden. Guys are rarely ever interested in me but he seemed different. I'm only mildly hurt but I just thought that maybe there was someone out there who actually had interest in me. He did say that he really wants to still be friends with me (and I really want to too) and that he doesn't want me to hate him (and I don't, he truly is too great to hate). He also said that he doesn't want to keep me from finding someone else great but guys just aren't interested in me and I don't know why. It's actually starting to get really frustrating. I'm truly not one to typically pity myself in any way, is very good at accepting my failures and my personal flaws yet when it comes to romantic relationships I just wish that I had any luck whatsoever. I'm really friendly to everyone (even the people that hate me/the people that I hate), I'd be considered smart, I dress nice to school every single day, I'm funny, I can keep a conversation (unlike too many teenage girls), I'm athletic, I'm not a complete prude, my skin is clear, I don't think that I look absolutely terrible (please give me your honest opinions on this) and I'm not shallow. What more do I have to do in order to be likable?!

I'm so sorry if you read this long rant of mine. It is not very interesting so I send my deepest apologies to your poor eyes that must be fatigued from all of that reading. Yet here comes the point to all of this...


One, how do I, and should I go on with being friends with this guy that I'd such a fondness for? I'm not sure if he was just saying that to soften the blow or if he was serious because I do want to still be friends with him.

And two, what am I doing wrong when it comes to being admirable? Girls in my school are ALWAYS getting hit up by guys from the nicest to the straight up douches (guys in my school are extremely interested in being in relationships, even more than a lot of the girls which is kind of odd) yet the only nice guy to ever showed interest in me was the one who just threw my heart off a small bridge. Is it my looks (please tell me the absolute truth)? Do you think it's my personality? Or possibly something else? I'm not sure but I desperately want to know what is wrong with me.

Thank you and anything helps 💕