Please help me you guys. I need some advice...

My previous relationship was extremely mentally and physically abusive. I'm in the middle of getting a restraining order on him for the massive amounts of stalking he's been doing. He put me in the hospital 2 times, and has beat me and my dog more than I can count. I can't even explain the horrors that man put me through, and I can't be more thankful that I am out of that situation.

However, I have some serious problems after what I went through.

I'm in a beautiful relationship now and wouldn't trade it for the world but it's like my mind is ruining it. I have nightmares and anxiety attacks and even though I know my love would never hit me he gets angry sometimes and it puts me in panic mode and I start hyperventilating and he doesn't know how to react so it just gets worse.. I'm lost and depressed...and if my love shows even a tinch of anger towards me I get sick to my stomach. Literally my stomach turns and I almost throw up. Everything around me reminds me of what I went through. And I really don't know how to get over this..

My boyfriend lit a cigarette today and jokingly acted like he was going to burn me and I literally went into shock for a second and then started crying because my ex would burn me when he was mad. Someone please give me tips. I don't know what to do...