TWW buddies!?! What's your AF arrival date?


Hey! Can we be TWW buddies so we don't go crazy!?!

What is you Af arrival date?? Mines sept 10th.

Share your experiences with ttc thus far with me! This app gives me life!

I'll share a bit about mine

Been TTC baby 👶🏼 #1 for 4 month

(I commend the strength of those who have been trying for years)

I just started using the clear blue advance ovulation tests this month and have been being sure to BD on high fertility days and then take a day or two break before peak day.

I have the worst problem with thinking about pregnancy too much. And when I don't think about it, it finds me. Babies coming into my work, subliminal message in magazines, people getting pregnant in movies I watch. You name it, I've seen it, and it drives me batty. Not to mention babies galore on instagram and Facebook.

My AF was about a week ago and the last few days I have been exhausted and having an insatiable appetite- of course my mind went straight to taking a pregnancy test. Didn't help that I got a antibody line on one making it look positive- retested twice after and all negative.

Long winded but I hope I have some friends out there that know this struggle.

What have you done to occupy your mind? Have your experienced the same?

Let's not feel so alone and find comfort in the struggles together hahaha