Found out what I'm having yesterday! Names??

Kelsee • 💙👦🏻 Brayden Michael 2/13/08💜👧🏻 Brynlee Emberly-Renèe 10/29/16💙👶🏻 Brycen Lee 1/1/18

I am adding another little boy to my clan ☺️ was kind of thinking it was a girl and kind of hoping since I just had a girl 9 months ago and already have all things girl haha BUT of course I'm beyond thrilled that he's a he and that he is healthy! Now I'll have 2 boys & a girl.

Which comes to a question for you ladies! My children's names are Braiden & Brynlee. I need another 'B' name for a boy. Doesn't have to be a 'Br' name of course but it'd definitely go better with my two other children's names. Any suggestions??