Switching careers.


I’ve been a teacher for 5 years, and while I enjoy teaching, I’m over public education, the way parents behave, and the way kids behave. Yes, I’ve had good times, some good kids, and some good parents. Unfortunately for the most part, the kids feel like prisoners and hate school, parents blame the teachers for anything and everything rather than teaching their children to take responsibility for their actions. Dealing with that plus having terrible health care at unaffordable prices, awful benefits, and dealing with Texas state testing- I’m over it.

Unfortunately, I’m having such a difficult time leaving education. I have a lot of transferable skills, but it seems most industries don’t want that, they want true experience in the field. I’m so frustrated with the lack of respect that people have for teachers- in and out of education. I don’t expect to start at the top or in a senior level position, I’m just hopeful to get a foot in the door and work my way up with my ability to learn quickly and my work ethic.

I’ve been feeling a bit low that it’s taking so long to find something new. This morning my husband made a comment that it’s almost September, and he thought I’d be working by now. Part of me wants to give up and go back into teaching, hopeful for a better school year. I see so many teaching positions open in my city and feel like the kids “need me” because they’ll have a sub if no one takes the job. The other part of me is frustrated because of my husbands comment. He is an expert in very small pool of experts in his field, so companies contact him daily to join them, and they fight for his attention. He has no idea the work I’ve put into finding something new.

Any words of advice would be helpful. I feel lost at this point.