Being a positive site !


I was looking around on this app and I've seen so many amazing and wonderful and beautiful woman and their story is wonderful...

But the only thing that annoys me In this app is that GIRLS always try to find a away to put the others down!!!

This site is suppose to be a site to help each other and stand by together not put each other down and call each other names! It's disgusting like come on we are girls and by the looks of it we alll go through the same thing so if someone post something personal on this app , they had to have a lot of confidence to write it what they are feeling and for you girls to comment "ew" or "why post this on here keep that to yourself" is absolutely WRONG!!

WE ARE ALL FEMALES AND WE ALL HAWV AF( Aunt Flo) we all go through the same thing so stop rude and grow up

Thank you for reading 💗