first time at the gyno

i went to the gynecologist yesterday for the first time, and they did the standard pelvic exam where they put this plastic thing in you, to open you, and to get a swab. she also had to check my ovaries, and she was going all in there and pushing down on my stomach to i guess push the ovaries down a little bit to get a better feel, and she found a huge ass cyst (ill explain more after this) but anyway is it normal to spot after the exam, because im spotting a creamy brown color so im wondering if its just from the exam.

and the other part, iv nevverrrrr had a cyst, and for the past 4 months iv been having the WORST periods, flow ever. even when im off my period i have back cramps and now that i get it checked i know its a cyst and she says usually it goes away for 6-9weeks and i think iv had it for most of the four months. i have another appointment in 3 weeks to get a more thorough ultrasound a blood work done but im kinda freaking out thinking theres a 4 centimeter cyst on my ovary and if it will rupture, and what i can do to prevent it from rupturing (if i can) thanks!