She has a name!! Sigh of relief


I'm 31 weeks now and for Hubby, choosing the name has been the most important and exciting part for him. It's his 4th child, so he's had practice 😉

Last weekend we took our girls to a Ren Faire and a friendly vendor remembered us from the year before. After chatting about how we still hadn't chosen a name, she suggested Demelza. It didn't immediately click, but during the next few days, we toyed with it and decided on Elza.

Hubby loves music too, so we were playing some different classical pieces for each other. I really liked a piece he played for me, Erik Satie's Trois Gymnopeade. So after reading a bit about him we chose Satie for her middle name.

Do you think it fits with the other kids?

Caden Quinn

Cordelia Belle

Zoey Madison

Avrie Jade

Elza Satie