6 month baby gear- confused


What's everyone using still with their Lo? My som is tiny, 17 lbs and 28 inches (long and lean) and sits up on his own (can't get into that position) scoots backwards and stands holding onto items. I was told once they can sit up no more swing. We have a swing and a mommaroo. He also uses a bouncer that he sits in when we r cooking etc so I don't know if he should still use that? He outgrew the rock n play so that's going to someone else I just don't know what else I should keep or get rid of. Anyone in convertible car seats yet? My son has room in his infant seat- but it's soooooo hard to carry it. I'm 100 lbs and tiny so lugging that darn thing around sucks lol. But I want him to be as safe as possible as well....