high risk short cord

Jessika • ♥️ 30 year old mommy to 4 sweet babies 3 on earth and one in heaven (born sleeping at 31 weeks 6 days)
Having two appointments a week every single week from now on 😫 31 weeks tomorrow but baby is measuring big! 4.1 lbs 
He has a short cord. My first did as well. They say it's unheard of for this to happen twice to the same mother! 
They want me to schedule a c section but I really want to try for vaginal birth. I was able to with the first but they did not know about his short cord until birth. They said it's very risky because it may not be long enough for him to make it out or it could rupture. 
Anyone else ever been through this? I know it's super rare but figured I would share anyways !