Breastfeeding and mother in law?? 😶

I just need to know if I am overreacting. I have a 3 week old. I know my hormones are probably responsible for some of these feelings but... my mother in law is a baby hog. She comes over AT LEAST 3 times a week and insists on holding the baby the entire time she is here. Which is normally 2-3 hours. I am breastfeeding, so If I have to feed him, she gets irritated. She will also hold on to him as long as she can before she will acknowledge he is hungry.

My poor father in law openly admits he can't hold the baby too often or she will get mad.

I have been pumping here and there so my husband can bond with the baby occasionally and he can feed him if I'm in the shower or absolutely have to leave the baby. We gave the baby his first bottle two nights ago... just to try it out. He did great.

Fast forward to last night, we had my in laws over. She is well aware the baby took a bottle as my husband tells his mother everything. So 2 hours goes by of her holding him. My child is finally hungry. I whisper to my husband who is reaching for a bottle since we have company "NO. I can feed him or else I will have to pump."

I go to get my baby, and she begs "CAN NANA FEED HIM?! I would love to!!!" I knew that was coming. My husband tells her no, because I had to empty by boobs. I would have told her no too, but I'm glad he stepped up. She replied "Well I guess we better leave, he's just going to fall asleep on her boob." And she left.

In all honesty, I didn't want her to feed him a bottle because yes, I would have to pump and also, if we let her feed him once, she will expect it every time going forwardg. I'm not pumping for her benefit. She is going to baby sit him starting in 3 months, but until then, I don't see any rush for the world to feed my child...