Drying up

Kayla • Married to my North Carolina man, have 3 kids and pregnant with our 4th child! 💕💕

I'm really down in the dumps. I have been ebf for 2.5 weeks now since my little babe was born and my milk is already drying up and I am taking it very very hard. I have been really enjoying it this time! This is our last child and I'm just feeling like a huge failure and feel like I'm still clinging to hope but it just keeps getting less and less. I have tried brewers yeast, lactation cookies, water, Gatorade, eating good, power pumping. Nothing's worked. 😢

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It's an extremely rare occurrence that you would dry up. More common for mom to think it's happening. Why do you think you have an issue? What's happening? Has baby stopped having wet diapers? You will never have that same full feeling like you did in the beginning days of your milk coming in. In comes in with such an oversupply because Mother Nature has no idea how much baby needs so she makes sure there is an over abundance. It starts to regulate right away.


be • Aug 31, 2017
Meet with an IBCLC for help. She can help you and your baby to latch as well as help with any supply issues. You can also reach out to your local le leche league for help.


Kayla • Aug 31, 2017
I pump, he doesn't latch. I've gone from 90-100ml from pumping to today only being able to pump 20ml. Each day less and less