How do you not worry?!


Hi all- My husband and I just found out we are expecting our rainbow baby in May 2018. We lost our daughter in January at 20 weeks gestation due to preterm labor, possibly from an infection. I called this week to make my first OB appointment. It's not for another 3 weeks and it feels SO FAR away. I just want to see our baby, hear the heartbeat, know everything's okay.

For those who have successfully had a full term pregnancy after loss. How do you get through it? The uncertainty? The worry that it's just going to happen again and you will lose this baby too? So far the past week has been a roller coaster of joy, excitement, worry, and anxiety. I keep reminding myself to enjoy each and everyday, celebrate this child's life, they deserve that. But the fear of losing another baby just seems so overwhelming some days. I find myself praying constantly throughout the day that God protects this sweet child and allows us to welcome them into our arms happy and healthy at the end of this pregnancy. I feel like thats all I can do right now.

Thanks in advanced for your responses!