confusing ex boyfriend

okay my first ever boyfriend who I was convinced was my true love we dated 2 years ago. Things ended because he was having "family issues" which i know he has had a rough home life but he's also not very committed I'll be honest. After that we broke up we still flirted and got "back together" several times in those few months. Finally one day he just disappeared. I was so heartbroken and it honestly took me a year to recover. Then I dated another guy and we recently broke up a few weeks back. All this time me and my first ex hadn't spoken in two years. We talked over snapchat but I still had feelings and he'd send me love songs but for my own good we stopped talking over snapchat which was almost a year ago. Well hurricane Harvey just happened and my first ex lives near me. I woke up and he had texted me at 4am asking if he had the right number and if me and my family were safe. We've been snap chatting again. I don't have feelings. I still love him but as a friend. He hasn't dated anyone since we broke up over two years ago. He's told me about the girl he's interested in and that he likes. So I've been trying to give him some advice since I know the girl. Well anyways that night, I guess you could say over snapchat there was some "sexual tension" and things kinda got heated around 2-3am. The next day's he texts me asking to forget about that night, that it was the old him and he's trying to bury that side of him. I said sure because it wasn't really that big of a deal. Well last night we were snap chatting and I was crying because I read some old messages from the guy that recently dumped me because of "future differences". So he asked if I was okay, which I said I was fine. He said he was gonna call me to make sure. That was around 11pm and we stayed on the phone till 5am talking about everything. Its like we picked up right where we left off as friends before we dated. It was weird because we had the same dreams of living with a bunch of land, same amount of kids and even want to go to the same college. Soon as it was getting super late I knew he had to be tired so I kept telling him to go to bed. He said "no, you're the priority". I just thought it was nice. Sometimes I wonder if he still has some feelings toward me? Cause we talked about our past cause a girl made up some really ugly rumors that he never liked me because she liked him but they never went out. I asked him about it and he said "no, my feelings toward you were real. I really did like you. I just wasn't mature enough at the time and I missed my chance". Maybe him and I are just destined to be friends which I'm cool with. He wants to go eat at this small restaurant in between our houses with me sometime. Just what is y'all's opinions?