Why is my baby screaming???????

She's been doing it for over an hour.

She's eaten

Has a clean diaper

I gave her Tylenol thinking it may be teething but nothing has changed

She has no fever

I have her in just a diaper now thinking maybe clothes were bothering her

She cries in my arms standing and sitting, on her own, laying next to me

Literally nothing will calm her down

On top of that my husband is playing fucking video games instead of helping

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Try taking Baby outside for a few minutes. The change in scenery and air usually helps calm them down.


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Have you tried a warm bath and white noise? My boy loves the rain sound.


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Maybe baby is overtired? Mine will scream and cry horribly if she gets too tired. You may want to check all her little fingers and toes maybe she has a hang nail or something? Just a couple shots in the dark.


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Over stimulated?


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First things first, swat your husband upside the head. Second, does she maybe have a belly ache? When my daughter gets inconsolable and isn't hungry/wet/etc I rub her belly first. If that's a no go try giving her a bath. Baths always worked in calming mine down and stopped her from crying. Try having some relaxing music on too. Good luck mama, I know it sucks. ❤️


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I just dealt with this with my January baby too... thought all the same things but it was bed time and she didn't seem tired, seems d hyped instead. I held her and walked in the same pattern around house for a while then she finally put her head on my chest and started getting sleepy. I think she was over stimulated.