Prayers/Good Thoughts Please ❤️


I'm a stay at home wife and my husband has always been the sole income provider. He's a software engineer and we were shocked today to find out his office is closing, which means he's losing his job.

I'm due with our first baby in January and I've really been struggling the past few weeks with adjusting to the reality of being a mom and all the responsibilities that come with it. Just a side note, I'm obviously thankful and excited to be pregnant - but I'm also really nervous! This news has spun me out into some serious anxiety and depression.

My husband was given two months severance and the subsidized rate for Cobra which I'm thankful for as we both have medical issues outside of the pregnancy that we count on our insurance to help with.

He's confident he will find work and has started reaching out to contacts and updating his resume. I know it seems trivial but tomorrow is my birthday and I can't help but just feel so low and discouraged in everything. I'm not sure what will happen if he doesn't find work quickly. We have many expenses and live in a high cost area and don't have family really on either side who could temporarily help us.

If you could send prayers or a good thought our way, I'd really appreciate it. I know things could always been worse, but I've had an awful week emotionally and this has just put me over the top.