When your ex downgraded and she blocks you on all is social media accounts


So long story short we noticed each other summer of 2016. We worked at the same venue. He would stare at me thinking I wouldn't notice but I did. Anyway we started talking to each other more in the beginning on January and then come February we had a show to work and it was raining and he came up to me a asked if I used Facebook. I told him no then he asked if I used Snapchat or Instagram and I said I used Snapchat and he said "that's my girl" and i couldn't help but smile. Then I had to go back inside the venue and he had just sent me a message saying "I like you and I think you're cute" and I began to freak out because I've never met someone who could be so forward. Then on thing led to another and it started off sweet then got dirty real quick. He told me in May that he didn't have time for a girlfriend then proceeded to pursue me and we got serious pretty fast but then the end of May he went back to Georgia and then he decided to get a girlfriend and still pursued me all without me knowing he had a new girlfriend. But when I found out I called him out on his shit. For lying and making me feel used then his girlfriend blocked me on everything. And I know that her lifestyle isn't healthy for him because of what he's been through. But she drinks a lot, smokes a lot and parties with a bunch of other guys while he is at work. He works really hard and long shifts. I just don't know why I still feel the need to protect him and want him to be with me. I love him so much but I'm sure that our time wasn't right and maybe we will meet again. But does anyone think it's okay to still want to be friends with your ex? Do you think it's right to have their new boyfriend/girlfriend block you on their significant others social media accounts?