Help! Baby won't take bottle!



My daughter is 3 months old and EBF. I am returning to work in a few weeks and my daughter still will not take a bottle with pumped breast milk. We have been trying on and off for about 2 months and absolutely nothing! Like I'm talking if the bottle even touches her lips she has the most epic and major meltdown, like crying so hard she can't breathe. We have tried 5 different brands of bottles, trying when she is starving and when she isn't, different people have tried with varying techniques, different positions, different milk temps, and NOTHING. My husband and I went to a concert a few weeks ago and she REFUSED to take a bottle from my mom and didn't eat for over 6 hours until finally we had to leave early so I could feed her.

With me returning to work in a few weeks and her going to daycare I'm starting to really panic. A daycare teacher is not going to have the time to sit with my daughter for hours to get her to eat.

Has anyone experienced this? I'm open to all suggestions. I should add we tried really hard for her to take a pacifier when she was younger because she just loves to suckle for comfort, but after buying 5 brands of pacifiers and her refusing all of them, we gave up. She is definitely a momma's girl, but I need her to be okay at daycare.

Please help!!