Calling all stay at home moms!


It's my first time being a stay at home mom since we moved states, have a toddler and I'm pregnant with baby number 2. I'm curious, my father and husband keep bringing up i need to make money and/or do something. Note we only have 1 vehicle, so that vehicle is with my husband daily he works 2pm-midnight m-f. What do u moms do to help with expenses, bills, fun stuff or even do to keep busy? I feel as if I'm helpless but the cost of living and daycare here requires me to make 40k a year if I want to work and send my kids to daycare or it's impossible to MAKE money. SO I've decided to go back to school (January 2nd) in the mean time I'm staying home and will be once I start school also! Will consider going back to work after I have a degree. So stay at home moms, what do u do to help out? ☺️☺️

Ps my house is spotless bcuz I am a clean freak and I'm usually bored all day 😆 so cleaning isn't a helpful answer 😂