Could have birth control mess me up

Jenny • 3 baby girls and another on the way
So for the pass 7 yrs going on 8 I have been on birth control.I starred with the IUD but when i went in for my annual the 2nd year I was on it my Dr said I was lucky I hadn't came out pregnant...which at that time I was happy I already had a 4yr old n a 2yr old..when she went if to do the exam my IUD fell out!! So then I got on the nexplanon..which I had for 3yrs which I think is the best birth control but anyways it's only good for 3 yrs so had it replaced then I went with the inplanon which is basically the same I removed that only 2yrs into because we are ttc...but I haven't got my cycle it usually normal but I'm not sure what going on so do you ladies think it mess my cycle up since I been on birth control so long

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