Help! Panic attacks!

Leah • baby girl Hayden Cole 🎀 10/05/15
I am 13 weeks pregnant and since about 7 weeks in I have been suffering from crippling panic attacks that will strike whenever they please for no rhyme or reason. I could be watching a funny movie laughing and the next thing I know i am curled up in ball. Please if people out there have any remedies or things that work for them please let me know. (I have had anxiety my whole life treated with meds, but stopped taking them when I got pregnant so this is not new to me it is just new to me that I don't know what to do) 
Side note: please no one leave the comment of telling yourself to give the panic 20 seconds and that's all the time it has and then it has to move along because any true sufferer of this illness will tell you that it is not that easy to control something like this. Thank you