What's going on here ?

First time using these opk test strips. They are cheap ones from amazon. Anyhow I tested 2 days after I ended my period and the line was super dark like it was positive or very very close. The next day I tested again and the second line was a bit lighter (didn't look positive this time ) I did another one a day after and it looked lighter maybe about the same as the one before. I just took one today and it's significantly lighter. Why is it getting lighter ? Did I miss my ovulation day? Is it possible I will ovulate twice this month ? This is my third cycle I'm 3 1/2 months pp. I have no idea if that plays a role in this or not. I just moved so I can't see a doctor quite yet. I am only 5 days out of my period.

From top to bottle pics in order for

1st test

2nd test

4th say