Dentist question ??


Ok a month ago I went to the dentist I had recently had a baby so I was still insured she said all I needed was a cleaning and that's it and that I did have some small cavities but that the way I was taking care of my teeth and with the cleaning it would be fine

Well about a week ago I started having pain in my teeth I can't even pin point to what teeth it was like overall my left side hurting including my jaw and my head but the pain comes and goes so now that I'm not insured I went to a private one and I paid out of pocket for my exam and she said I need 2 deep cleanings cause my gums are bleeding and she said she found 5 cavities so in total shes charging me $1700 in total for everything which will be out of pocket of course

So idk what to do now ? Like who to believe or what ? It's weird that they both said different things it's just a month since I saw the other one ? Idk 🤔