Help please!

So I've publicly identified as a straight female but I've always thought that I'm a bisexual female. I've only mentioned this to a few close friends and family members. Recently, I've been thinking I might be gay. Not in the way you're thinking either. I think I might be a trans, gay male at heart. Here's why: I've always really enjoyed watching gay male porn and always been more turned on by gay male porn than any other kind and believe me I've browsed the other categories lol. Also when masturbating I've caught myself subconsciously stroking an imaginary penis that I don't have. I know that may sound weird or silly but I've always done it and never really known why or given it much thought. I don't consciously think about doing it it just kind of happens. I also have dreams (not wet ones) where I'm a guy in a gay relationship fairly often. Whenever I see a gay couple I always picture myself as one of them and the things I would do with the other person (sexually and non sexually). So my question is am I trans? How do I know if I'm trans? Can you be trans and gay? Do any other women do any of these things? How do I go about things if I am trans? Please give me any and every piece of information you can. Thank you in advance.