Period sex

I've always strongly said I will never have sex on my period and last night I broke my word 😂😅. He called me to see him yesterday and I told him I'm on my period so I won't do nothing with you bla bla and he said just come since I haven't seen him for months we missed each other, until I got there he insisted we try anal which we did for a couple of minutes but I couldn't bare it so I said let me just give you a head job and then he took my pants off with my fricken pad to my undies and fucked me so good. It was such a funny experience like I felt embarrassed him to see me in that way but it was so cute that he didn't care and was always reassuring me it was fine and even would time to time clean me 😂😂 ladies I would love to hear your first time stories on period sex comment them below !