Baby sleeps in day but never at night!!


My baby boy is 17 days old, he hates his Moses basket at night he won't settle at all but in the day is fine. He breastfeeds every hour from around 9pm to 4/5 in the morning, I am so tired I don't know why he won't settle. I feed, burp him, change nappy, cuddle him, he's fine but as soon as he goes in Moses basket he screams like mad. Then he won't latch properly and it's making me frustrated coz I want him to feed good and sleep!! Iv tried swaddling him, putting my tops that smell of me in the basket, even put the hairdryer on (white noise) he stops crying then as soon as I turn it off he starts crying again. I know he wants his mama but I'm just so tired and can't sleep in the day. Why is he so unsettled at night?! Help 😩😩😩😩