Nipples Pierced!!!?

Lola • Blah.....👽🖕🏽😁💞😒😋

Soo I got into a conversation with one of my weird friends and we were talking bout getting our nipples peirced! I said I had to wait to get it confirmed with my SO! And I told her he feels like getting them means I want everyone to see my breast (which is wrong because 1st I wear bras which will hide the indention of the ring) but anyway she then tells me "No your boyfriend said he like girls with nipple piercings" and I asked her if she was talking bout the boyfriend because MY BOYFRIEND told me something different lol and she was like "Yess, your boyfriend said he likes it but just not on his girlfriend." Which boils down to my curiosity.. why does guys like things on other woman but when their girlfriend try to do those things or be those things to satisfy their fantasies or likes they decline them?? Why would a guy like nipple piercings on other women but not his own girlfriend he can have for himself?? I know this may be a question for guys but I would like to kno the women thoughts on this and if there are guys on here and they find this question please answer it would help my curiosity out!!

Thanks in advance!!